Seeing pieces come together through God and His Church
The Eucharist: What are the Mysteries? (Part 2 of 4)
Sometimes the best way to cut through the tension is to start with a clean slate. So, let me do my best to explain my exploration of the mystery of the Eucharist itself. As a reminder, I have only been in full fellowship with the Catholic Church for about 5 years. So,...
The Eucharist: What are the Ironies? (Part 1 of 4)
“Should I go forward for communion? Can I go forward for communion? Why did someone tell me I can’t go forward for communion? What the heck is going on here? Maybe I won’t even go to mass if I’m going to be denied communion! I certainly wouldn’t deny a Catholic...
The Eucharist: What are the Teachings? (Part 3 of 4)
1 Corinthians 11:27-30 ESVWhoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who...
Why do I feel so connected to Steven Curtis Chapman and his music?
Until I was 18 I had never heard of Christian music, much less Steve Curtis Chapman who helped to pioneer the genre. I like the comedian Tim Hawkins who joked about all the Christian types of things we have (Christian books, Christian schools, heck even Christian...
How would a former Protestant Pastor explain Covenants, Catholics, Communion, and more?
(The following is a transcript of a homily by Father George Sanders, Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church, Hot Springs, AR - March 13, 2022. Father George formerly lived overseas and is entered the fellowship of the Catholic Church later in life and has a Protestant...
The Eucharist: What is the invitation? (Part 4 of 4)
“How would Christ solve modern problems if He were on earth today? For those of my faith there is only one answer. Christ is on earth today, alive on a thousand altars.” G.K. Chesterton I don’t know a clearer way to say it, “You are invited!” All are invited to mass....
What is the Legacy of Paul Hadley?
I have the privilege and responsibility of working with many leaders. We pull them away from their day-to-day environments, put them in front of their teams and talk about the V word: vulnerability. It’s a privilege because they allow us into a very sacred space. It’s...
What has my dad said to me? What does my heart now hear?
My father has a kind of subtle way of expressing himself. Growing up I don't think it was quite clear to me where he was coming from. Was he speaking from the heart or just being polite? He has a Mr. Rogers-like way of smiling and saying nice things. I mean that as a...
What does a pilgrimage mean to me?
There’s likely many formal definitions of the word “pilgrimage.” A quick Google search will prove this. I’ve looked up the word many times and resonate with many aspects of the definitions I’ve read. Then I went on several pilgrimages. I’m writing this reflection...